COMPLIANCE SERVICES Include 3rd Party Health & Safety Inspections, ServSafe Training & Certification.
Nobody Knows More About Your Kitchen Than You, Except Maybe The People Who Clean It
That’s how our Compliance Division got started. When you are in a commercial kitchen every night for hours, you know where the problems are. We saw that many of our clients needed help, not just with cleaning, but also with the myriad of other issues that are of concern to the health department. We teamed up with current and former health department officials and merged our insider’s awareness and concern for the well being of our clients with the training and knowledge of the environmental health specialists.
What we discovered is that many of our clients had been looking for exactly this kind of service. For some of them, all they needed was an “objective eye,” someone who wasn’t part of the management team, someone who could
come in and objectively assess where and what the issues are. Others wanted a regimen where they can count on getting regular inspections to hold their own workers and teams accountable. Still others find our service useful for highlighting problem areas so that upper management can allocate funds for necessary repairs or training or whatever the issues might be.
We had no idea when we created the compliance division what we would find or how our clients and prospects would respond to it. The demand for this service has exceeded any expectation we might have had. Unlike companies who specialize exclusively in compliance services, we provide our expertise as an added benefit to our client base. For this reason we are able to be extremely cost effective in proving these helpful services.