The A Specialist's Charities
The A Specialist is passionate about corporate social responsibility. These are two of the groups that we support.
HOPE International
HOPE International is a network of microfinance institutions and savings and credit associations operating in 17 countries around the world. We work to empower men, women, and families to break the cycles of physical and spiritual poverty through discipleship, biblically based business training, savings services, and small loans. By incorporating a strong witness for Jesus Christ and employing a variety of approaches, HOPE is an innovator in the field of microenterprise development.
In its network, HOPE includes traditional microfinance programs, microfinance plus programs (which incorporate health care, literacy training, or other community empowerment initiatives outside the realm of traditional microfinance), savings and credit associations, and small and medium enterprise development programs.
Our programs are effectively reaching over 575,000 entrepreneurs around the world with the love of Jesus Christ and the opportunity to start or expand a business. From inception to present, HOPE’s programs boast a 96 percent repayment rate, pointing to the efficiency of HOPE’s methodology.
HOPE International (HOPE) is a Christian faith-based, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on alleviating physical and spiritual poverty through microenterprise development.
At HOPE International, we invest in the dreams of families in the world’s underserved communities as we proclaim and live the Gospel.
Together we can empower vulnerable children and their communities to become holistically transformed, while reducing poverty, abandonment, and violence.
Children's Hope Chest
Transforming lives and communities through partnerships.
Children’s HopeChest exists to glorify God by releasing the potential of orphaned and vulnerable children and their communities through partnerships that cultivate holistic transformation and sustainability.
How is this accomplished?
Through our Community-to-Community model of transformation: Children’s HopeChest engages churches and other Christian communities in long-term partnerships that:
- Empower local leaders to share the Gospel, reduce poverty, and create self-sufficiency for every child.
- Equip partnering communities to directly engage as a community in healthy international development practices.
- Address the complex causes of poverty, including material, spiritual, emotional, social, economic, and educational needs.
- Tend to the child’s holistic needs for survival, community, education, and employment.
- Transform the lives of children through a focus on sustainability, independence, and long-term self-sufficiency.
- Transform the lives of the partnering community members through exposure, education, relationship, and service.